Thunyarat Chusin
(Completed Ph.D. course in March 2020)
In Matsubara Lab, we believe in the power of togetherness. Over the past three years, we've woven a tapestry of cherished memories. Our experiences range from group collaborative experiments and late-night coding sessions to sharing laughs during lab meetings and celebrating breakthrough moments. In this lab, we are more than just colleagues; we are friends who support, inspire, and uplift one another.
Matsubara Lab is more than a research group; it's a family that values your unique perspectives, nurtures your skills, and supports your aspirations. Here, you'll discover a wealth of opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Matsubara Lab takes immense pride in pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Here's a glimpse of some exciting research topics you can be a part of:
Radiation protection: Join us in the critical mission of enhancing radiation protection methods, ensuring the safety of patients, healthcare professionals, and the public, while researching innovative ways to mitigate radiation exposure risks.
Radiation measurement: Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of radiation measurement within radiology, where we're at the forefront of developing state-of-the-art techniques to precisely and safely harness radiation for more accurate medical imaging. I conducted my Ph.D. research and published works on measuring radiation doses in digital breast tomosynthesis.
Monte Carlo simulation: Explore the world of Monte Carlo simulation, where we model complex systems and procedures. This approach provides insights and predictions that drive progress across a wide range of radiation dosimetry. I also employed Monte Carlo simulation for benchmarking the radiation dose measurements.
Lastly, I am deeply grateful to Professor Kosuke Matsubara for his kind and diligent supervision during my Ph.D. studies, as well as his continuous support and encouragement after my graduation. I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the friends who contributed to creating a wonderful laboratory environment and provided assistance in various aspects.
Matsubara Lab is calling upon the next generation of passionate researchers to join our dynamic family. I highly recommend juniors who are seeking an unforgettable journey of academic exploration, personal growth, and lifelong memories to join us.

小川 善紀
(2020年3月 博士前期課程修了)
さらに、修士課程の際には2年連続で東南アジア(マレーシア、インドネシア)にて行われる国際学会にも参加させて頂きました。特に思い出にあるのは松原先生が研究交流されているタイのChulalongkorn大学の学生の方々と研究について議論したことや一緒にバリ島観光したこと、学会開催期間に行われるGala Dinnerで食べ過ぎてマレーシアの救急病院で点滴をしてもらったことです(その節は大変申し訳ありませんでした…)。